
3. Victory in Roblox

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Next to the Roblox oof, the victory sound effect is also a very iconic sound effect from the Roblox game. The victory sound effect gives a very satisfying feeling to the user in moments when good things are happening in the game. How to hack a group in roblox 2018.

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4. Collide

Perhaps one of the most realistic sounds you will hear in the Roblox game is the Roblox collide. If you thought the oof soundboard sound was great then you might want to listen to the collide sound effect. The collide sound happens whenever collisions occur within the Roblox game.

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5. The Rubber Sling

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The rubber sling is one of the lesser known sounds from the Roblox oof soundboard. However, this pleasing sound has a very clean vibrance to it. You can put this sound on repeat all day and gain a more optimistic outlook on life.